Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ebola editorial.

1) the problem that Betsy identifies is that the average hospital cannot in anyway handle the Ebola virus.

2) she proposes that rather than trying to get other hospitals "prepared" for it that we just expand the four bio-containment hospitals.

3)Infection expert Sean Kaufman's view the CDC’s guidelines for protective gear in treating Ebola patients is that they're "absolutely irresponsible and dead wrong"

4)  Rep. Michael Burgess held up a pic of CDC chief Frieden in Africa wearing a protective suit that covered him completely. Burgess compared it to the "sluttier" guideline that the CDC has for its nurses and doctors.

5) after reading the commentary I'd like to say that I agree. What's the point of putting entire hospitals in danger when you can just take patients to specialized facilities where they're at less risk of infecting a ton of people. 
B) mother agrees

Monday, February 9, 2015

Article summary

The main idea of the article was that it wasn't a meteor that killed the dinosaurs... It was someone that they trusted. One example that supports this is that there is compelling fossil evidence that clearly points out the dinosaurs died suddenly and treacherously. Scientists at Berkley announced that dinosaurs were undoubtably killed by someone they trusted. They stated, "Our findings indicate that someone, we don't know who, spent at least 150 million years gaining the confidence of dinosaurs before abruptly betraying them and taking their lives near the end of the Cretatious Era." In addition the author goes on to say that dinosaurs were killed by letting someone gt close to them and that humans could too. 
The tone was ominous and vaguely threatening but also it sounded reliable and informational I would trust this.,37468/