Sunday, January 25, 2015

Renzo Pulido-Ambrocio

January 25, 2015
I’m a high school student, a lot of things piss me off. Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, etc. Those are things that the average person under normal circumstances wouldn't like. But there are also a set of other problems that go unnoticed by most people, like censorship. Ignorance is one thing, you don’t want to see something or know about something? Then you don’t ask. The thing about censorship is that the choice is taken away from you. You no longer get a say in what you can and can’t see. Its done for you. We all know this too, after all were all at school aren’t we? If something is deemed “inappropriate” the obvious follows hide it or prohibit it. Because, “Out of sight, out of mind.” am i right?
There are so many flaws in schools all across the U.S. Sure schools are a fantastic concept... so is communism. Good in theory bad in practice as i've come to see it. Aside from my opinions about school in it of itself, what is the point in filtering what i can and cannot see whilst im there? Whats the point if i'm free to look at it on my own time? What is the difference? censorship is basically going a step behind what the schools intentions are, to educate me. Sure you can teach me about how to take the cubed root of  variable in a fraction but I will have never read Maya Angelou because just because something happens doesn’t mean we have to talk about it. There are things going on that are more relevant than “The Hunger Games” or “Maximum Ride”.
Why do i have to constantly watch what I say and what i do. I can see the difference between profanity and practicality. I want to be able to make a presentation and be able to speak what is actually on my mind rather than having it go through a filter so that everyone is comfortable. Why is it that i can't talk about rape and abortion without having to ask for permission if its something that we “need” to learn about. For gods sakes we’ve gotten rid of our sex-ed programs because they aren’t absolutely necessary to the education of young adults. Because its not like the information could possibly save someone’s future or anything? Why is it so easy for schools to just think its okay to hide important things. Sure those things are ugly and its not something that people exactly want to learn about. But some things are too important not to be taught and spread.