Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chapter 12 lotf

  • My reaction to the end of the novel: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. WHY DIDNT JACK DIE?? WHY DIDNT THEY ALL DIE?? IM SO MAD??? 
  • I think that the reason that Ralph cried at the end of the novel was because during the events that directly preceded the "rescue" he was racing for his life. All of the boys pn the island had turned against him and he was on the very brink of his own death. Finally coming to the realization that everything was over. That he no longer had to go on living in a constant state of fear anymore. It was wayyy too much to handle especially when you had spent so much time trying to get rescued in the first place only to have to forget that because things had managed to get so damn bad. I dont blame him.
  • Honestly, I dont know there are ohhh soooo many options to choose from. But i think that it would be so damn stereotypical to  choose jack but i mean thats the way the novel is set up. so yes i hate jack. hes a dick. Hes the reason that everything began to crumble in the first place. He the reason that everything on the island went as far as it did. Hes the reason why piggy and simon DIED.
  • I don't know whether or not id recommend this novel. It wasn't something that i was too interested in because it primarily surrounded boys so there wasn't too much diversity. and on top of that i felt like i just didn't end up liking any of the characters because for some reason one way or another every single character managed to profoundly piss me off.

1. Ralph made the incredibly smart decision to head over to the other side of the island where jack and the band of savages were in an attempt to scold Jack into doing the right thing and into giving Piggy his specs back. because come one its already bad enough that hes fat and arsmatic.

2.The twins were "seeing Ralph for the first time" Because theyd never seen him so keen on trying to be the exact opposite of what jack had become.

3. The boys attempt to get piggys specs back was bound to fail because the boys lacked something pretty damn fundamental. Quantity. They were only 3 (4 if piggy had actually been useful) boys against the hoards of boys that decided to turn to the "dark side" and join Jacks evil tribe of savages.

4.Roger is a sick f*@k. No. Yes. No really he is. But to put that a little better it was just that he was the most malicious and malevolent of the boys, even more so than Jack. it said in the power point

5. The destruction of the conch is symbolically significant because the conch was the thing that served as the last bit of authority and order that was left on the island. With its destruction basically what would follow was the absolute falling out of any kind of order because the thing that had been the foundation of it had been, excuse my french, shreked.

6. Kids, for the most part, dont have to raise themselves. Therefore it was only natural for the boy on the island to elect someone that would lead them because thats the way that the boys had been brought up. The boys needed a chief.

7.To Jack: "why you gotta be like that??"  "What the hell is wrong with you"  "Who hurt you so much as a child that you felt a bigger need to get your grimy pathetic hands on meat that you didn't even NEED to eat, rather than focusing on the simple/mundane task of making sure that a fire didn't go out. Again, what the hell is wrong with you"

8. Im tired, i joined Jacks group thinking that it would be super fun and that it would all just be all play and rest and then eating. Don't get me wrong there is tons of that to go around, But something that has become blatantly obvious is the fact that if you don't do what Jack asks of you. You're in for it. I didnt see it for myself because i was playing with the other littleuns, but i could hear it.

The excruciating pain, the whimpers, the squeals. i thought that only pigs pigs could do... apparently so can we... On the bright side we got to paint our faces! The chief told us that when we were like this that we were no longer ourselves so we dont have to worry about anything because we're not actually doing anything wrong after all. I just wanna go home. But at this rate, is that even an option anymore?

Monday, May 25, 2015

1.The morning after Simon's death, ralph came out of the forset and started talking to piggy about what the boys should do, shortly after "samneric" joined them. their conversation: After coming out of the forest, ralph was the first to mention what had happened the day before as is shown when he said "simon" (goulding 156). piggy sort of just ignored it and moved on. Ralph in deseration and confusion asked piggy what they should do but after piggy's suggestion of calling an assembly ralph just begins to laugh hysterically at the thought of him still being considered chief. He then stopped and resumed blaming himself for what had happened to simon. he told piggy, who was trying to convince Ralph that it wasn't his fault, "Don't you understand, Piggy? The things we did--"(goulding 157) piggy again getting more and more relentless at trying to convince Ralph said, "It was an accident... that's what it was. An accident... coming in the dark-- he hadn't no business crawling like that out of the dark. he was batty. He asked for it... it was an accident"(goulding157). The boys then began to yearn for home. they agreed that they would not mention their involvement in the dance to sam or eric. The boys returned from the forest with wood for the fire. they mentioned the dance. all the boys had to say was, "we left early" (goulding158)

2. One difference between the perceptions of Simon's death on behalf of Ralph and Jack is the very acknowledgement that it was him that was killed in the first place. Where Ralph continuously throughout the chapter blames himself for the murder of Simon(quote in the section above). Jack never even referred to Simon by his name. another difference was the perception of what happened when he died. Ralph was fully aware and frankly scared that Simon was killed. where as jack claimed the the beast was disguised as Simon and that he was still alive and well. not that Simon was alive, the beast was apparently still alive.

3. Based on jacks order to have Wilfred tied up and beaten for no apparent reason as is stated by Robert "i don't know. He didn't say. He got angry and made us tie Wilfred up..." (goulding159). i can say that jack is getting more and more insane as time goes by.Jack still believes in the beast regardless of the fact that he killed it/simon and he even urges the savages to, "keep on the right side of him, anyhow. you can't tell what he might do" (goulding161). He's managed to open my eyes to the reality that evil can and does exist in humans regardless of how young a person is. the only question that remains is why? why did jack and Ralph develop completely separate in regards to their moral standings. Is it something that was decided when they were born? or is it something that you develop into?

4. honestly at this point ralph although logical, has been completely undermined by jacks persuasive abilities. Thus the power has now shifted from the unsure phalanges of ralph unto the unforgiving grasp of jacks tyrannical fist. we know this because on more than one occasion ralph has totally gotten his ass handed to him. on one occasion where jack totally took most of ralphs "loyal" underlings right from under his self-righteous nose, and another where ralph had no other choice but to go reap the glorious rewards of what jacks hunt had brought to the table.

The ambush??:
Piggy: breathes heavily, he cant see, he cant breathe, he gets stepped on.
Ralph:accidently punches eric in the face thinking hes the enemy
Sam: gets trampled by the fights going on all around
Jack: hones in on the sound of the heavy breathing, finds meatiest feeling kid, takes his glasses
Roger: probably outside waiting while he strangles a small animal.
Eric: "kicked" in the face (probably punched by ralph not gonna lie.)
Maurice: long forgotten