- act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
- ali, alter: another, other
- am: at/ to love
- anim: life, spirit, soul
- agenda DEF list or outline of things to be considered or done. My agenda is all filled up for this week
- agile DEF Marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace. The deer was very agile as it moved through the under brush.
- alienate DEF To make unfriendly, hostile or indifferent especially where attachment formerly existed. white people alienate minorities.
- altercation DEF A noisy heated, angry dispute. i had an altercation with my mom about the fact that i wanted pizza rolls for dinner.
- amiable DEF Archaic: pleasing, admirable. Leaf Coneybear is a very amiable character.
- amorous DEF Strongly moved by love, especially sexual love. i am very amorous towards anything that looks remotely like a young Tom Cruise
- animated DEF endowed with life or the qualities of life. All of my favorite TV Shows are animated.
- equanimity DEF evenness of mind especially under stress. This homework assignment does not provide me equanimity.
- inalienable DEF incapable of being alienated. white people are inalienable.
- inanimate DEF not animate. Rocks, although very cool, are inanimate.
- magnanimous DEF showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit. although faced with twelve hours of homework at 9:00 PM I remain magnanimous
- reactionary DEF relating to, marked by, or favoring reaction. rocks are not reactionary, they are rocks, but they still cool.
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