Thursday, August 21, 2014

birth order??

Upon examination of all the traits that applies to specific birth order categories, i realized that a lot of what was said or at least mentioned was accurate more often than not. (im going to keep this thing in this format because i have no idea how to make one nor do i have the energy to look into it)

First off, the research states that only children tend to be able to interact better with those that are any age other than their own. Personally i can support this by saying that i simply dont really like too many people in my class year, not so much for any particular reason, i just find the majority to be obnoxious. Another thing that applies pretty well to me as an only child is the fact that i like to be "the rescuer" if you're having any sort of problem you can almost always count on me to come to you always willing to take some of the pressure that you have off your shoulders and at least try to help out with it. Like Ostini, i am a self-proclaimed procrastinator, i always put things off to the end to finally do something. Take this for example, its like eleven at night or something and i barely started this, i have no shame in this, im just telling it how it is. Although there was correlation between the age and some specific attributes, i would have to disagree with the assumption that all are self-centered, and cold blooded. I love people. A lOT. and i love to be around people and get to know them and such because after all i enjoy the company of another voice other than my own.

1 comment:

  1. Being an only child myself I can really relate to alot of the points stated in your essay. I loved the way you expressed yourself... in a way that was so.. you. lol love a Renzo
