Friday, September 26, 2014

aud(it) (hear): Audience, auditorium, audition, audiovisual.
Avi (bird): aviation, aviculture,  aviatrix, avifauna
Bell (I) (war): Rebellion, rebel, belligerent, postbellum
Ben (e) (good, well) Benefit, benevolent, bediction, benefice, benison

antebellum a: before the war,especially the American Civil War, typical of how things were before any war
-  Jews were much happier  in antebellum poland

audit: to attend a class only as listener, not for credit: to check or examine a companys financial records; the process of making such examination
- There was an audit at burger king so i couldn't eat any food
auditory; a related to the sense of hearing
-The deaf kid was born with a lack of auditory sensory.
avian; characteristics of or pertaining to birds
-Planes dont look like avian creatures

aviary; an elaborate structure for housing birds
-kathy bought an aviary to celebrate her 5th bird

belligerency; the condition of warlike hostility; a hostile action
-The boy acted belligerency toward his mother after being dropped off at school.
benefactor; a person who gives another (financial) help: a patron
-i try not to be the benefactor because i try not to be a gold digger
beneficiary: one who receives a benefit ( of payment), as from an insurance policy
-after i was in car accident i became a beneficiary for my "pain" and "suffering."
benign; not malignant: gracious and kindly: good-natured
in the morning i look everything but benign
inaudible; unable to be heard
after the concert everything seemed in audible to me.

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